Pleurothallis cactantha Luer, Selbyana 3(1–2): 72–73, f. 139. 1976.
TYPE: Panama. Panama: epiphytic along the Altos de Pacora road, alt. 650 m., 4 Mar 1976, C. Luer, J. Luer, P. Taylor & R.L. Dressler 743 (holotype, SEL and detail of the holotype; illustration of type).
Specklinia cactantha (Luer) Pridgeon & M.W. Chase, Lindleyana 16(4): 257. 2001.
Sylphia cactantha (Luer) Luer, Monogr. Syst. Bot. Missouri Bot. Gard. 105: 228. 2006.